Womens Electoral Lobby SA Relaunch
On the 4th of December, 53 interested people met together on Kaurna land to relaunch the Womens Electoral Lobby of South Australia met and both discussed and determined the next steps for the relaunch of the group.
After hearing from Joan Russell and Marylin Rolls, we web conferenced in with Jozefa, all who provided a valuable background and history of the organisation. We got to work! A number of key policies were identified through working sub-groups. These are presently being collated and will be distributed in the coming weeks.
We do encourage you to become a member. In addition, if you have any queries about the organisation please let us know here.
Dear members,
Happy new year sisters. We hope you are safe, healthy, and ready for action in this huge election year.
We are writing to inform you about your membership of Women’s Electoral Lobby South Australia (WEL SA) and ask you to attend an ONLINE extraordinary meeting of WEL SA on Wednesday, 12 January 2021 at 6pmto elect interim officer bearers.
Thank you for your membership application. Your application has been processed and you are a financial member of WEL SA. Your membership is subject to you agreeing to the objects of WEL (see below) and adhering to the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Declaration of Rights Against the Child and United Nations Declaration against all forms of Discrimination against Women.
Interim election of officer bearers – Meeting
We are fast approaching the South Australian and federal elections and as such, the interim organising committee has moved to call an extraordinary general online meeting to elect interim officer bearers.
The election of interim office bearers is crucial to administration and function of WEL SA and importantly to our ability to mobilise before the South Australian election set to be held on 19 March 2022.
In light of the aforementioned timeframes, we are pleased to notify you of a South Australian Women’s Electoral Lobby Extraordinary General online meeting to be held on Wednesday, 12 January 2021 at 6pm. You can join the meeting by clicking on this link:
The purpose of the extraordinary general meeting is to elect members of the organising committee, who will hold office until the next AGM is held after the election. We propose to elect seven office bearers (as per clause 8 of the WEL SA constitution) and a number of additional ordinary members of the Committee. A copy of the constitution is attached to this email for your ease of reference.
Those officer bearers are as follows:
1. Coordinator
2. Assistant Coordinator
3. Membership Officer
4. Treasurer
5. Newsletter editor
6. Assistant editor
7. Publicity editor
Please note that the WEL SA constitution has not been amended in some years and for this reason the office bearer titles have not been modernised. Rest assured the constitutional objects and administration is still fit for purpose and will see us through after the 2022 state election.
If you would like to nominate for one of the offices, you can do so at the meeting. A secret ballot will be conducted. We do hope you consider taking office at this crucial moment for women.
Next Steps
Once an interim committee has been elected, then the committee will, among other decisions, move to call an Annual General Meeting to be conducted after the South Australian election (perhaps in time for the federal election).
At the AGM, the WEL SA membership (of which we expect to be significantly larger) will likely move to amend the constitution to modernise and ensure it is reflective of a 2022 feminist political organisation.
When the Committee is elected then we will write to all members, pending members, potential members and supporters to report back on the 2022 state and federal WEL SA agenda – as set by attendees of the 11 December 2021 meeting.
We will call for member volunteers to conduct interviews and analysis of political policy and platform in time to publish a WEL SA scorecard.
If you have any questions about the upcoming extraordinary meeting, please do not hesitate to get in contact with the interim organising committee by simply replying to this email.
We look forward to meeting with you all next week.
In solidarity
WEL SA organising committee
We acknowledge Traditional Owners of Country throughout South Australia and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians. We acknowledge the importance of the continuation of cultural and spiritual practices of Traditional Custodians and that sovereignty was not ceded. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land.